Monday -
Juju's uncle's funeral and wake.
Juju worked the wake for her mom while i was at work and
cooter was at daycare. She brought home a butt load of leftovers. Sweet!
Tuesday -
Juju and I were invited to a
champagne reception for a Kiosk I designed at the Maritime Museum. It is a cool concept. The kiosk is for the "
Erie Hall of Fame". Residents of Erie who have contributed to the betterment of world as we know it. Instead of having a building they are going to put kiosks around the city in high traffic public places. The kiosk is interactive with a touch screen and video
monitor and a lot of cool stuff inside you don't really care to know about.
After the ceremony we went to dinner at "
Joe Roots" with my boss and his wife and the owner of
"Howards". it was nice. Talked some about work and some about pleasure. I have never talked to Bill's wife in a non-work capacity, so it was cool to see how she ticks.... i like her.
Sunday School picnic at
Waldameer. It poured rain in buckets and I missed Poker... crap! Hatches did tell me about a crazy hand thought. Hatches was dealing. she
accidentally flipped up a K to Hanging Chad and he decided to keep it. Most everyone was in the hand. the flop is
KKJ. everyone moans and checks to Chad...He goes all in....everyone folds...except the guy to his right, "River
Farbo" who calls. River flips a
KJ...he flopped the boat and Chad was done for the night...crazy.
A day to rest. I'll take this lull of a day to write about work. I has been really busy the last few weeks. there was a slow down for about a month and a half, but things seem to be picking up. we have a whole new workforce in the shop that start tomorrow. I had to fill in on the foam cutter Thursday and Friday to try to make a delivery on Monday. I don't mind filling in on the shop floor every once in a while, but snap, my legs and feet hurt from lifting them over the "
bars" all day. (that is me in the very beginning of the video drawing the sign, the bars are in the next clip, you gotta walk in and out of the machine to load and
unload foam).
We celebrated our sister-in-law Dena's birthday at the imperial Chinese Buffet. I was o.k.. the food that is. there was a ton of people there, but not a ton of selection of food. there was only one food station for regular food. one
Mongolian food station and a small station with deserts. My Tops
Buffet has four regular food stations a
Mongolian and a desert. The Imperial did have a soft serve ice cream machine. They get a point for that. Our appliances also came from the GE Store and the tile flooring was started. the living room wood laminate floor is in. It is starting to look like a house.
Juju and I went to the movies to see the X-Files with
"Danielle" and
"Dave". Danielle is a very old friend of mine and i used to hang out at her family's house and watch the X-Files every week with them. We met at 6:30 and ate at
"Oscars". The last few times i have been to Oscars it has been packed and the service has been horrible. Yesterday was the exact opposite.
Juju and I got there a bit early to wait for a table about 6:10 and the place was empty. there were like 3 tables with people at them. We had a great dinner, great service and great conversation.... and no crowd to talk over. awesome. It was great seeing both Danielle and Dave and catching up. Danielle and I are her sister's daughter's godparents and since getting
Cooter I don't see them at all. I gotta get better at that. I don't really see anyone. We get in our little family cocoon and shut out the world. It seems we have lots to do but no time to visit with the people we care about.
The X-Files was..... awesome. I was NOTHING i expected, but
everything i loved about the series. We really had a great time D&D. We need to get together more often.
Spoiler Alert: There was no alien or monster or inbred personage. Just a good story about some missing women and Mulder and
Scully come out of "retirement/hiding" to prove or disprove that a psychic knows some details of the crime and they get sucked into the case. I was almost
weird that nothing really weird happened. It could have been a Sherlock Holmes or a who-done-it. Don't get me wrong, there are a few twists and turns that drop your jaw and make you scratch your head, but for the most part it was just a hour and a half long episode.
Juju said at the end of the movie, "it makes me wish the series was still on the air". I couldn't have said it better myself. Well done Chris Carter.
Juju volunteered on the penninsula this Sunday for "
Discover Presque Isle" in the morning. Cooter and I played and watched Pooh Bear sing-a-long for about 1000 times. he loves to dance to all the songs... it is very cute. In the afternoon Cooter and I went for a walk and played in the yard to let mommy take a nap. we watched Pooh Sing-A-Long for about 1000 times in the evening and put Cooter to bed about 8:30. It' s about 10:30 now and i am heading to bed. L8R