Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Poker In The Front....and 50 Blog Entries
17 players + 2 rebuys (by Captain Dave)
4th Place - Spitter McGee aka. River Farbo
3rd Place - Heather
2nd Place - Oz
1st Place - Coach
Tonight I won the frst hand of the night... I hate winning the first hand. I think I hit a straight. I can't remember. But I do remember how I went out. I had exactly 405 in chips. I have KJ of spades. The flop comes K-8-J. The faces are clubs. I check. Texty Steve bets 60. I go all-in out of turn. (coach is still in the hand)... Coach folds. Steve calls. He has 2 spades. The turn is a heart and the river is a spade. CRAP. I was the first person out. There was not much I could do. I had the semi-nuts. The ONLY hand that could possibly be ahead of me was a pocket pair of 8s. I got all my money in with the best hand and I got sucked out on. I went home to help Juju with Cooter. I'm sure we all have a bit of a bug now as my and Juju's arms are both achy and Coots is still coughing.
Another record tonight. Four ladies (I use that term loosely) played in the game tonight. Hatches, Heather, Sandy and Sandy's sister-in-law. If we get any more broads we will have to have a ladies night. lol. I am just joking. I am very happy someone enjoys my game enough to bring friends and relatives (that aren't drunks or assholes).
When we first started playing, probably 3 1/2 or 4 years ago, i was pretty friendly. Lots of checking and lots of chatting. About a 1 1/2 to 2 years ago the game really changed a lot. We got some more serious players. Less checking more raising and less chatting, at least about general topics, most of the talk was of poker. Don't get me wrong it is still a friendly game, but the betting is not. I think we are getting back to more of my kind of a game. We still don't check like a friendly game of "everyone check til someone hits the river", but our conversations are much more lively and varied. River told a story about how he thought someone at McDonald's spit on his hamburger. (no likely) And how he drove back and demanded to talk to the cook and they wouldn't let him and he said if he saw him he was going to spit in his face. It was a funny story and if you know River, you know he probably over reacted and probably would have got himself arrested if he had confronted the guy. He had the whole table stopped listening in disbelief. Those stories are the reason I like to play poker. Well, that and winning money. he, he, he.
P.S. I am 2 hits away from 100. So not only do I have 50 entries I have 100 blog hits, since I have been keeping track. (about a month) CRAZY!! I realize probably about 75 of those hits are Hatches, but it's still 100.
Oh, I realized another scenario for my "building a mystery" entry below. If you haven't read it yet do so now... I'll wait... the 4th scenario is the person is having such a pregnancy scare that they are no longer going to be having "relations" in baby producing orifices, hence the could happen.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Sign From Jesus
Cooter didn't want to go to bed tonight. We put him down at about 8 and i think he cried for an hour. He threw all the stuff out his bed at least few times. He has a bit of a temper... he is also 20 months old. I am trying to get him to understand the if/then statement. If you don't go to bed I am gonna beat your ass...ah....then...well, you get the idea. It is 9:30 now and I don't hear him anymore. whew. Juju is in bed as she is not feeling well. I think we all have some kind of cold. I woke up with a headache on Sunday. I felt like I had been drinking all night. Yesterday I had a lot of sinus pressure, but feel better today. Juju is hot and cold and coughing up the nasties. Cooter has a cough. We are one healthy family. lol.
I can't remember if I wrote this down yet, but Cooter is a genius. He can count to like 16 and can recognize about a half dozen letters of the alphabet. Now I am sure he doesn't know what 16 of something is or how to spell a word, but he is 20 months old! I don't know if that is normal for his age, but I am amazed. Did I mention he is 20 months old? He knows O, S, E, T & A. T & A, that's my boy.......
Monday, August 25, 2008
Another Quick Weekend
Sunday Juju and I did some painting at the new house. We got the living room painted a light Tan/Beige. Aunt Alyice took Cooter to the Zoo so we could paint our little butts off. So far, I think the kitchen and living room colors are awesome. I have a sore neck and arm as I did all the cutting-in and Juju was the roller queen.
The new neighbors were moving in next door and a went over and gave them a wassup. They seem very nice and their son is only a few months older than Cooter.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Building A Mystery
1. Someone knows even less about pregnancy tests than I do and thinks you DO need KY to take the test.
2. Someone seems to have a lack of planning and or economic skills as condoms can be bought pre-lubricated. And certainly a box of lubricated sausage skins costs less than a pregnancy test, the KY and 18 years of raising a rugrat.
3. Someone or someone's wife or girlfriend is trying to pregnant and with all the sweet baby-makin' activities, a vajayjay gets sore and dry and need a little coochie oil to keep things going.
Everyone except Willy and I are suspects. Some are more probable than others, but I really think it could be anyone. I believe Willy found it on our side of the building. That would make my seven co-workers (shop and office) the main suspects. But if he found it by the back door of the main building it opens it up to dozens and dozens of other potential fornicators. All I know is someone was "making babies" or practicing to "make babies" last night and it wasn't me (or Willy)....Stay tuned to hear about any more developments.
P.S. How can someone go to Wal-mart and just buy those two items? No batteries? No Twizzlers? No 25 quart rice cooker? It just ain't right.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Poker. Poker, Poker
August 13. Not sure of the payouts, (as i left early) but here is how they finished
4th Place - Captain Dave
3rd Place - Salvador Dolly
2nd Place - River Farbo
1st Place - Texty Steve
August 20th game went down like this.
15 players + 1 rebuy = 160 pot
3rd Place - Turnbuckle -20
2nd Place - Captain Dave - 50
1st Place - Kitsy - 90
I had a huge lead when the tables combined and honestly I really don't know what happened. I probably had 5 times what the next closest player in chips had and I won a huge pot the hand before we combined tables. The blinds were only like 15/30 then. everyone limps with 30. Flop comes. I flopped a K high flush and had 2 betters in front of me. Texty checks, Chad bets 60, I bet 160, Texty Steve goes all-in for 400. Chad calls and I go all in with like 1000 more. Chad folds and my Flush wins and i am 1510 chips richer. My cards really dried up after that and I lost a few big hands. I had decided not to bully and just play premium hands and let everyone else knock each other out. It didn't work out that way. I seemed before we combined i was winning with top pair and a good kicker, but I was chasing people out of pots. Once we were down to one table, I would hit top pair and someone would hit a straight or flush and slow roll me. Crap. I did a pretty good job of isolating players when i did have a decent hand. As I have said before I like to divide and conquer. I will enter a pot with nine players, but if I hit the flop I'm gonna bet enough to only get one or two callers (preferably none). Mostly I think I lost focus Captain Dave was to my left and Kitsy was to his left. Kitsy talks and talks and talks. I listen to his stories and forget where I am in the betting and toss my blind and and it gets raised. I fold without seeing the flop and the blinds get up there. You are talking 200 to call the big. I did catch Dave changing gears and told him i noticed it. He said he was flattered and i told him he shouldn't be... those aren't things other players are supposed to notice. lol.
We had some new faces this week and some old faces came back. Mark, his wife Sandy and a kid named Sal were the new people. Mark's first time was a few weeks ago. I guess he liked it enough to bring the old lady. That's cool. Kitsy brought Sal. He wasn't that good, and that was awesome because he was sitting to my right. He went out first just after the first bell. He went all-in and I called him with AA. Sorry about that Sal. Coach and "4-time John" were regulars I hadn't seen in a while. John was the only person at my table and Coach and Sandy were out before the tables combined, so I didn't get to talk to of them. John and I were in a lot of hands together so I didn't get to yap with him either. Mark sat to my right at the final table. He seems like a nice guy, but I really didn't get to talk to him as Kitsy monopolized the conversations.
Hatches and Heather were there also. I think 3 women playing is a record for our game. I hope the guys don't mind them playing. My feeling is that their money is just as green as the boys, so bring'em on. lol.
A little drama with the house today. nothing too catastrophic, I was going to blog about it, but it is 11:50 and I better get to bed.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Fun and Almost Free Weekend
Boy, did we have a busy (and almost free) weekend. Friday night we went to the new house. We had a kitchen cabinet fiasco this week. The cabinets came in the wrong color. We ordered a Honey Maple color and they came in Natural Maple (no stain, just polyurethane). 84 Lumber blamed my contractor, but we are the ones who met with 84 and ordered all the stuff. Our contractor just gave them the o.k. to put the order in. Anyway, our contractor and 84 made it worth our while to keep the cabinets. (which i like better anyway). Then as they were installing them they found that there were a bunch of wrong sized cabinets and and extra sink cabinet, etc. 84 is coming over Monday to sort it all out.
We did meet our new new neighbors, they bought the house to the south of us Friday. Todd, Denise and Ethan who is 23 months old. Snap! He and Cooter are gonna get in a lot of trouble together.
We had a ton of family come over to see the kitchen and we had gone over before eating. We finally left about 8 pm and got 2 Little Skeezers Hot & Readys. That was about $11.50.
Saturday morning was my work's annual golf outing. It is just 9 holes for fun and then lunch and a putting contest. We had a great time. Uppa and Gamma watched Cooter. Our foursome was Main Street, Chuckles, Me and Juju. To keep it fair for everyone we drew matchsticks that corresponded to each person. We would all hit, pull a matchstick (with a letter the corresponded to letters after our names on the scorecard) and use that person's hit. My boss tries to mix good and bad players in foursomes to keep everything level, as some players play once a year at this outing only, and some play twice a week. Lunch was very good and the putting contest was fun also. After the outing we picked up Cooter and went to Aunt Kate and Uncle Roo's house for a family picnic.
Sunday we went to the Seawolves baseball game via Aunt Alyce. It was her work picnic and all the food and drink was free (including Yuengling). Sweet! I did pay for parking $3.00 as i still had all the golf culb and stuff in the truck from the previous day and even though the street was free, i It was a good game, but the home team lost. Cooter and Uppa got on T.V. Here is the link. After the game we went back to Kate and Roo's house to see Juju's Cousin Buffy who was in town for the day from Memphis. We were also scheduled to go to an old co-workers annual corn roast, but Cooter never took a nap all day. one minute in the car on the way to the roast and he was out. So home we went and to bed cooter went and here I am blogging about the weekend. Not bad, 15 ½ bucks for 3 days and a ton of fun times.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I Am A Killer
I killed something today...and i am glad it happened.
I am not a violent person, not in the least. But today i went over the edge. You see, today is the day I killed a spider... Not just any spider...the bane of my existence for many, many months. You see, every morning as I open my truck door to go to work there is a very large spider web from my side rear view mirror to window....EVERY MORNING! And every morning I knock the web off with no sign of any spider in site. I have to guess he lives behind the mirror. He is a smart little s.o.b.. Smart in the fact that he hides from me, but not in the fact that he has to re-weave his web every night. This morning i knocked off the web as usual and headed to work. I pulled into the parking lot and as i was closing the door, I happened to look down... and there he was. Repelling himself off the bottom of the door onto the ground. I didn't even hesitate. I may have even spouted a few expletives as a stomped multiple times to make sure the thing was dead. He was very colorful and big, maybe even poisonous, at least that is what i tell myself. I was protecting my son from future, possibly, maybe being bit by that horrible, venomous, deadly spider. I am a hero. Yea that's it. A hero.
That's why i blog. I just went from a killer to a hero in the space of one paragraph. I saved your life Cooter. You can thank me when you get old enough to read this. Love, Dad
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Painted Weekend
It was a pretty good weekend. The weather was crappy, but I got a ton of stuff done at the new house. Friday we stopped over to the house before it got dark. As we were leaving a truck stopped in front of our house. I was our contractor's parents and grandmother driving around looking at his projects. Of course we invited them in. They are very nice people and very proud of their son. He does do nice work, but i was supposed to move in on Memorial Day!!!!!!
On Saturday I needed to paint, as the kitchen cabinets are supposed to go in Monday and Juju wanted to get it done before that all happens. Of course, she had to work her high school annual golf outing fund raiser all day. I called Uppa and Gamma and they came through. Uppa helped me paint while Gamma watched Cooter at the house. We painted the whole ceiling of the great room and primed the walls then went home for lunch. After about an hour went back to the house and put the first coat of color on the kitchen walls. The color is called New Penny and it looks awesome. Today I went back in the morning and put a second coat on the kitchen walls all by myself as Juju had to work for the Goat and took Cooter with her. This afternoon was my sister-in-law Candy's brother's diaper party. It was nice, Cooter got to play with his cousin G-Money and a couple other kids and I got to eat and drink beer. Man, it was a crappy day today. It rained all day... and not sprinkles... raining buckets.... I wouldn't be surprised if there is some flooding today. And it is crazy tonight, Juju has a nasty cold and is in bed, the cat is getting high on catnip under the table and the kid is crying and bouncing in his crib and not going to sleep. I am guessing he was given lots of sugar at the party. Crap. Keep your fingers crossed the cabinets go in tomorrow.
Issac Hayes tribute
Here is a video that says it all... Fox Mulder was a fan also...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Work it. Boki
Tonight we went to dinner with Uppa and Gamma. We paid tonight. It is a local pizza shop near our new house. The plan was dinner the then see the progress on the house. Dinner was fantastic...the house not so much. the progress is still slow. The tub surround came today but i don't think it is going to fit down the hall. it was just sitting at the beginning of the hallway, blocking it. With the stairs in front of the hall it make a "T" hall and i just don't think it is gonna turn. I called the builder and told him if it doesn't fit he can take it up to the second floor and i will install it up there when i do the finishing. There is no drywall on the inside walls so if it doesn't fit up there i can just knock some studs out, take it into the bathroom and nail the stud back in. Downstairs all the drywall is in so that is not an option. Though, my dad just called and had a thought to take it in the front master bedroom suite window. Even if the window is big enough, I am not sure it will work as there will still be a 90 degree turn in to the master bath.
After the house we went to Sissy, Turnbuckle and JJ's house to borrow Sissy's running stroller. Its a Juju thing, I didn't even ask. Then we stopped at the goats house to drop off a sub we bought her. She wasn't there so we just left it in the fridge. A short drive home and a buba of milk for Cooter and he is out and i am blogging.
Oh snap I almost forgot. We ran out of baby wipes yesterday and Juju found a recipe for making your own, here it is.
1 roll of paper towels (Use flannel wipes or heavy-duty paper towels for disposable wipes. i.e. Bounty-cheaper ones will fall apart)
2 cups water
1 tbsp baby shampoo or baby wash
1 tbsp baby oil
rip each sheet off and cut them the size you prefer. I like them cut in half. You can use an empty commercial wipes container or any plastic lidded container. Mix the ingredients in a separate container. Place the wipes in the container, then then add the solution, and invert a few times to make sure the wipes all get sufficiently moistened. Use just enough solution to moisten. Extra solution can generally be kept refrigerated.
She found many variations of this frugal trick, but this was the easiest.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Poker Night and Cooter
15 players and 3 rebuys = 180
4th Place - Snakehead - 10 bucks
3rd Place - Cutter - 20 bucks
2nd Place - Lex - 50 bucks
1st Place - Whitey - 100 bucks
Bubble Boy - Me - 0 bucks
That payout dosn't look right, but it adds up to 180.
I think I played pretty well, but ended up in 5th place on the bubble. Crap.
I don't remember winning a hand with anything more than trips. Got in a big hand with Whitey and lost about 850 chips. I flopped 2 pair, but Whitey flopped a straight. A few weeks ago I was getting straights left and right. this week I limped in with lots of suited and unsuited connectors, but I would get bet out of the hand on the flop. I flopped a gutshot more than once and someone would bet 400 with the blinds at like 20-40. I really needed a check. There weren't alot of calling stations playing today (at least at my table). I have to keep that in mind when playing connectors. I played position pretty well and got quite a few pocket pairs, but not many hit. I did bet Cutter off a big hand with pocket 4s when nothing hit on the flop. In another hand I hit trip 10s and won a nice sized pot.
Cooter was bad again today. He is having temper tantrums. You just have to tell him NO and he starts to cry and fall to the ground. Initally we thought he was just tired, but he is doing it all times of the day. We are just going to ignore him when he spazes out. If he realizes he doesn't get attention when he is a cry baby, hopefully he will stop.
P.S. Please make a comment on how you like the new layout of the blog, either on this post or the one below. if you don't have a blogger account just leave me a comment as anomynous and sign or don't sign your name in the body of the text. type in the anti-spam crazy letters and post.
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
scrubbing bubbles and the instructables
This is a recipe to refill your scrubbing bubble automatic shower cleaner.
The cap is difficult to remove, but keep squeezing and turning and it will pop off.
2 Tbsp. ammonia
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tbs dish detergent
Min 2 cups water
Put ammonia, alcohol and vinegar in bottle and fill with water. This works especially good for counter-tops but may also be used to clean showers, toilets and sinks. Great for most cleaning needs.