Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today is "T" Day

Well, it's been awhile. some my fault and some out of my control. our computer was down for a week and Juju had a project due that was hogging the PC after the fix.
Today is "T" Day. Termination Day. Cooter's birth parents rights were involuntarily terminated today. Juju had to go to court as both birth parents are M.I.A. The family court judge wants to make sure he has a home to go to, so one of us had to go and let her know we intend to adopt him.
this is how it went....... do you now have custody of Cooter?...yes. have you ever been contacted by either of his birth parents? Do you intend to adopt him 30 days after this court proceeding?......yes. the end. a year and a half for that.............. WTF.
our adoption hearing is June 19th. that is the day he will be ours. (barring anything unforeseen) now cooter is considered an orphan. (no parents) 30 days after becoming an orphan he can be adopted. i need a damn time machine. lol
we had supper at juju's sister's house tonight with the goat and cooter was getting grouchy so we had to cut it short and bring him home. he got a bubs and right to sleep. sweet.

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