Here are some shots of the house today. i just got home from poker and it has started raining. CRAP! Stuff is gonna get wet. oh, well. the date stamp is messed up on the camera. grrrr.....

Here are the poker results for tonight:
13 players - 6 rebuys = pot was 190
4th - McScotty - 20
3rd - Whitey - 30
2nd - Me- 50
1st - Hatches - 90
Yes, the student beats the teacher and I had a ton of chips on her. Heads-up is any ones game. I don't think i played aggressive enough against her. Caught a bunch of med. pairs on the flop and couldn't pull the trigger when she made a big bet. Nice game Hatches.
I didn't really bluff much tonight. i didn't get a really big chip lead til the end. I have noticed that a lot of the guys who don't cash on a regular basis are not "position players". which means they only play their cards and don't take into consideration what order they are in the betting. I will toss a Q-10 in first position, but raise with it when i am the dealer. The reason being i have "position". I can see everyone make their moves before i decide on mine. Even if i don't hit the flop (and everyone checks) i can bet double the blind. about 1/ 2 the time i take the hand as no one hit and everyone folds. even if only one guy calls my odds to win the pot just got a whole lot better. now i am against 1 player instead of 3 or 4. i threw away a bunch of med. to low pocket pairs tonight. i would always get them in first or second position. Med.-low pockets are a strange animal. the pot need to be worth it to see a flop, if i was last , or even near the end, in the betting and there are already 2 or 3 guys in the pot i probably would have called. it is worth playing to see if you can spike a set with 2 or 3 other players. 3 to 1 odds is good enough risk to take a stab at trips. they will never see the set coming and you can rake a nice pot. there is nothing better then someone betting into you when you have trips. I played pretty tight for the most part and won some big pots (which i hate being in). Did some bullying at the end of the game to keep some low stacks from winning the blinds. I read somewhere that being in the blinds is overrated. dealer and right of the dealer are the prime positions. the blinds only bet last pre-flop and first to act the rest of the way. the dealer acts last the rest of the way, so the closer you are to the dealer when he is on your left, the stronger your position in the betting. betting last is always an advantage.
that is about all for today. i attribute the low turnout at poker to the nice mid 50° weather.
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