Well, today we lowered the floor, but not on purpose. as the contractor was ripping the many layers of flooring off in the kitchen the floor "shifted and dropped". it seems all the existing joists were cracked their whole length and when they were tugging the flooring the joists separated, dropped and started cracking. a few heart attacks later, the basement was cleared and the demo on the floor started. we were going to have to jack the floor up as it was unlevel anyway. so now instead we get a new floor. the good new is it is much brighter in the basement. seriously, where the ladder is, was a block wall that is no longer needed, the crack house bathroom in the corner is gone and they will be able to lift out the hot water and and monstrous furnace very easily. I may even be able make a decent new bathroom down there too....eventually. the back filling was happening as i got there. the roof trusses comes Friday, and they may even be ready for it.
More bad new today. Cooter's babysitter informed us she can no longer watch him as she recently had wrist surgery and it is not healing well as expected because of always lifting the kids. Crap. it was gonna be a sweet set-up. the old babysitter was only a few blocks from our new house. it never works out like you plan........however, we may have a new hook-up, and even better, new sitter is on juju's way to work, not mine. heh, heh, heh.
even more bad news, juju's brother's got a bill from his attorney (he and his wife adopted a kid, "Pooker" and are using the same attorneys as us for "Cooter") for $1500.00 for the newspaper ad they had to post to try find the father. We are on our second try, as the judge didn't like the wording of the first. that is $3000.00. I am expecting a letter any day............CRAP!
Work is pretty busy. The aluminum sign division of or company is so busy that the shop in on 2 hour a day mandatory OT and Saturday. Even the guys in my department go to the "other side" and put in a few extra hours a day. we are doing a big job for a bank and are under the gun to get everything done and farmed out to get installed by Memorial day. The foam side of the company is pretty busy also. we had a bit of a lull last week, but "Main St." was on the phone talking to ton of customers this week and the drawing bins have been full. Mostly because i am still working on extrusions for the aluminum side. hopefully i will have all the final drawings done tomorrow and will be able to help my "work wife" with the drawing bins a little more.
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