Monday, March 31, 2008

The Blog Glossary AKA The List of Characters

Here is the spot i have chosen to "backtrack" and do a Blog Glossary.
Here is the list of usual suspects:

***A Blog Glossary of my family***

Boki Mame ----- Me
Juju Mame ----- The Wife - The very best thing to ever happen to me and the love of my life. Married me in 2002.
Cooter Mame - The Boy - Born Dec of 2006. Adopted by my wife and I. The second best thing to ever happen to me. He is crazy and a ball of energy and cute as the day is long. He frustrates me and tires me out, but i have not regretted one day of him as a part of my family
Foo Mame ----- The Cat - Original name Jinx, (originally owned by Sissy, she has an affinity for buying pets and passing them off to others like Ellen DeGeneres) his adopted name
Fhqwhgads AKA Little Fooker, Quad City Foo Jay, Foome and Foo Foo. He is lazy, a bed hog and a snobby eater, but he loves his daddy and his daddy loves the Foo.

**A Blog Glossary of my side of the family**

Uppa ------------- My Dad
Gamma --------- My Mom
Uncle Moose - My middle brother
Uncle Bear ---- My youngest brother
Aunt Candy --- Bear's wife
G-Money ------- Bear and Candy's oldest son
Mack-Que ----- Bear and Candy's youngst son
Aunt Alyice --- My aunt and Gamma's sister
UB --------------- My uncle and Gamma's brother
Rusty ----------- My aunt Alyice's friend

** A Blog Glossary of Juju's side of the family**

Buscha --------- Juju's grandma
The Goat ------- Juju's mom
Aunt Sissy ----- Juju's younger sister
Uncle Buckle - Sissy's husband - AKA Turnbuckle
JJ ----------------- Sissy and Buckle's daughter
Uncle Chef ---- Juju's middle brother
Aunt Dee ------- Chef's wife
Pooker ---------- Chef and Dee's son
Uncle Jon ------ Juju's youngest brother- AKA Jonny the Boy
Aunt Leesee -- Jon's wife
AJ ----------------- Jon and Leesee's son
Aunt Kate ------ Juju's Aunt and Goat's Sis
Uncle Roo ----- Juju's Uncle and Aunt Kate's husband
Buffy ------------- Juju's cousin

** A Blog Glossary of friends co-workers and aquaintances**

April ------------- My work wife - Graphics
Anna ------------ My co-worker - Sales
Captain Dave- Poker regular (Main Street's brother - Heather's boyfriend) Thinks he is always the table captain, hence the name. Likes to talk. Not hard to tilt.
Cutter ----------- Poker regular. Likes to bully when he has the chips.
Dead Money - Poker regular AKA Wizard. Much improved since he started playing. Scares me as he is a call station. He never raises...ever. Will check the nuts every time! Gets him into lots of trouble. I am always wary as I never can figure out the cards in his hand.
Hairy Steve --- Poker regular AKA Poker Steve - Likes to chat...alot. It throws me of my game.
Hanging Chad-Poker Regular AKA Chadley- A loose player. Will call with anything. Is very dominant when he starts getting hands. Likes to talk smack.
Hatches -------- My poker wife. I taught her almost everything she knows (at least in the beginning). Likes to play online.
Heather -------- Poker regular (Captain Dave's girlfriend)
Lex -------------- Poker regular
Main Street --- My co-worker - Sales (Captain Dave's brother)
Oz --------------- Poker Regular
Philbo ---------- Poker Regular AKA Philly (River Farbo's brother) Loves to raise pre-flop. good poker instincts. Can usually tell when he is beaten.
River Farbo --- Poker Regular AKA Little Farbo (Philbo's brother)
Snakehead --- Poker regular (Texty Steve's cousin)
Texty Steve --- Poker regular (Snakehead's cousin)
The Mullet ----- Poker Regular AKA Jeff the Mullet
Whitey ---------- Poker Regular
Willy ------------- My boss

Start of the Week
Today was very busy at work. My "work wife" had a vacation day and I was left alone to draw all by myself. I work for a sign wholesaler as a technical illustrator. I tell people i make drawings like the instructions you get with a new grill ... only better. i also have to make them look pretty for the customer and useable for the shop to make the sign. though "work wife" did bring her 6 month old in to visit. She took the day off as there was a concert sunday night , seether, breaking benjamin, and some other band. she thought she may be partying too much and wanted to sleep in. her daughter is very cute. i mean very cute. i have only seen pictures of her and they don't do her justice. she was C U T E and all smiles.

"boy" woke up with a nasty rash on his belly and a bit on his back. poor little guy is itching and itching. he has had it for a few days but it just exploded last night. i'm taking him to the doc's tomorrow to see what the deal is. he went to grandma "goat's" (wife's mom) house today and going to gramma & papa's (my mom and dad) house tomorrow and wednesday as i don't know if what he has is contagious or just some allergic reaction. here is a pic.

i came home from work and started laundry. "wife" went to chuch to set up for the semi-annual rummage sale. she picked up a car seat, as ours was smashed in the "tree incident". and my mom picked up some clothes for "boy". gramma and papa stopped by about 7 pm, just as "boy" was settling down. crap.
they brought a few items picked from the rummage sale. the bonus of setting up for the rummage sale is you get first dibbs before the general public does. we dropped off a whole carful of stuff so picking a few things before the sale starts, tomorrow morning, is acceptable.

the floor and walls went up on the new house's addition today "wife" took a few pics that i should try to post.

Hopefully, the roof will come off this week and the new one will span the whole new footprint of the house. it's gonna be big. the new part will be one big open living/dining/kitchen. the right will be a master bedroom in the front with walk-in closet and master bath. a 1/2 bath and laundry room in the middle and "boy's" bedroom in the back. we will be finishing the upstairs ourselves. 1 master bedroom with master bath and walk-in closet, 2 bedrooms, 1 more bath and a bonus room. the master downstairs will be turned into a guest bedroom/study when we move upstairs. and the back bedroom will be a tv room or something. we are very excited and can't wait for the finish.

A Busy Sunday

Today we went to church. "wife" teaches confirmation before the the service. "boy" was a bit tired by the time church started. he ran around the church, up and down stairs, in the gym. i had to take him to the nursery as he was a bit loud during the service. He brings a smile to everyone's face and is such a happy kid. smiles for miles.
then we went to see his great grandma in the nursing home. it is so hard to go and see her needing help to get up, go to the bathroom, etc. she was a pretty fiesty lady in her day and it is not a nice way to live out your golden age, sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating.
i have lost relatives both ways slow and painful and quick and painless. i choose the latter. (as i f i have a choice)
after chuch we went to pick up a electrical box from a house the church demolished and someone saved for me fo the new house, but i think is going to be too small of a circuit box. it only has spots for a dozen or so breakers. i think i will need that many for just the kitchen. lol
then to lunch with my parents. "boy" made it in the door before he fell asleep. apologized to the folks and headed for home. we had a party to go neice's 4th birthday party.
stopped to get a few things at the grocery store. stopped at the house to get the b-day present and
to the party. the party was for "wife's" side of the family. most all relatives were present. A Diego birthday with tacos and nachos, a pinata (cheap thing took one hit before spilling it's booty) and, of course, cake and ice cream. I had a few beers (2 is a few) and too many tacos. (more than 2) came home about 4pm and we all took a nap. up at 8pm and "boy" ready for a few more hours of running around. it is 1 am now and i better go to bed, i assume i won't fall asleep very fast (just having a 4 hour nap).
I am very excited the basball season starts tonight. i am very sad i cannot see my braves play the first game on sunday night baseball. i gave up cable to save some money. this is when no cable will really hurt. i really only miss a few shows, survivorman, how it's made, HGTV, but baseball is the thing i will miss most. i can watch any 2 teams play each other. i just love the game.
my wife is an Indians fan and I am a Braves fan. I don't think they play each other this year, as we always try to go to cleveland to see a game when they do. i don't even think the pirates play the indians. This is a nice series as we live between the 2 cities and within a few hours can be in either stadium. "wife " got tixs for the Indians vs. Yanks game. note sure of the date. I think it is a sunday game. i don't mind going to see a bush league game. (as any league that doesn't let the pitcher bat in no major league team, in my book) i will have to see if the braves are playing in pittsburgh.
well, good night, 3 days in a row.......... a good start.

oh, i almost forgot, my new obsession is "dexter" the serial killer that only kills bad guys. i watched it tonight. i'm not sure if it is on sundays or they are running repeats. but i usually find it and watch it, whenever it is on, with amazement. hats off to showtime for selling it to CBS. (or however it came to be on network tv) sure it is edited. i can see people's lips swear and non-swear words come out, but it is a small price to pay for a good watch.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

me and the boy

today it is me and the "boy". "wife" went to an all day scrapbook session at church. boy is napping from a long morning of playing, drinking, eating, dancing and singing (though "words" are more like a chant) to saturday morning cartoons.

i am cleaning, doing laundry and dishes. thought i would take a break and write something.
i won at my weekly poker game on thursday. my friend hatches came in second. she wasn't even gonna come. i am sure she is glad she did now. I taught her a lot about poker so it was kinda neet to have us going head to head at the end. of course, i crushed her like a grape (not really, she held her own). She even had me crippled for a few hands. In heads-up you gotta get cards to win...period.
i run a game every thursday for 10 bucks....i know it is illegal, but if the cops want to bust up a game with a 10 buck buy-in and a pot usually around 150 bucks, more power to them. It is almost all my friends and family, it's not like i am running a casino. just a way to relax and stretch my brains with something other than work. i am a much better tournament player than a cash game player. I am VERY patient and TIGHT, i'm good at faking i have a bad hand (slow playing) and very bad and faking i have a good hand (bluffing). i am not quitting my job to play professionaly in Vegas anytime soon, so i don't worry about it. the more hands i see. the better i get. that is my goal. to get better.
i will try to post every friday and say how i did and what i won or lost. here are the stats from thurs.

14 players - 3 re-buys (including me) - 170 buck pot -
4th -10 bucks - Texty Steve
3rd - 20 bucks - Snakehead
2nd - 50 bucks - Hatches
1st - 90 bucks - Me

this week i won 90 i gave 10 to the host and paid "boy's" babysitter 75 for the week on friday morning. that left me 5. two soft tacos for lunch and i am down to 3 in less than eighteen hours. I have delusions of grandure to save my winnings to buy some really nice poker chips or poker tables, but life always gets in the way. crap

Friday, March 28, 2008

my first blog

Hello cruel world. i am going to attempt my first blog. I was inspired by a very cool blog and thought why not give it a try. hopefully i will keep this up and have a record of the past, as i cannot remember what i had for dinner last night and would like too....

I am Boki, I have a wonderful, beautiful wife "wife" and a very smart and cute little boy "boy". the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

where do i start... i am 40 years old. "wife" is 37. "boy" is 15 months. we live in NW pennsylvania and enjoy copius amounts of snow .not really, it snowed 3 inches yesterday. i am not sure of the total amount for the month but those 3 inches set a record for the month of March.... global warming my butt.

Please, no one correct my spelling or grammer. I am well versed in both, but really don't care. usually my misspellings are typos and i am too lazy to fix them. I am not editing what i write (within reason)...i just don't have the time.

"wife" and i are in the process of totally (paying someone to) gut, put an addition onto and add a second story to a house we purchased in foreclosure. It was actually a house we both liked (which has never happened before) and the price was right (cheap). a great neighborhood, just too small. which is why we were looking for a new place in the first place. it is not far from where we currently live, but the new place is on a quiet street in a more stable (non rental) neighborhood. here is a pic of the new place.

this house will not be recognizable when all is said and done. all that is left noware the outside walls and a roof that will soon be tore off before the addition of the second story. the yard is a muddy pit with all the equipment and digging of footers for existing basement walls and footers for the addition. i think if the contractors sees 3 days of no rain in the forecast the second story will go on. unfortunately there is a chance of either snow or rain every day next week. crap. the addition basement walls went up on Monday 3/24/08. I stopped today to see the house. they had the joists on the addition and a few pieces of decking down. new enormous laminated beams in the basement. needed as we are eliminating walls on the first floor and have to "beef up" the one wall we are keeping, basement included. it added some cost, but damn it is gonna be cool. one big living / dining room / kitchen with stairs, open on both sides, in the living room to the second story.
the contractor is leaving the second story for us to finish ourselves as there will be 2 bedrooms on the first floor that will be converted to office and den when the bedrooms get finished on floor 2. our contract said to stop by every day to take pics as things will progess quickly now. i can only hope.

"boy" is in the process of being adopted. his birth parents termination hearing was supposed to be yesterday, but was postponed. supposedly the judge didn't like the way the lawyers put an ad in the newspaper for the non-existent father to come forward. this is how the ad goes (I am paratyping)...

A baby was concieved on (add conception date here), if you think you could be the "baby daddy" you have 10 days to come forward or you give up your right to him/her.

how can you eff that up?

we have had "boy" since birth...his 15 month birthday was this month... he is still not "ours". I think the birth mother's lawyer dropped the ball and blamed the judge. either way, the new termination hearing date is in May. it is very frustrating, but i am sure it will all be worth it in the end. he is worth every penny we have paid (and are going to pay) the lawyers. we love him with all our hearts. i often say to people, " i tricked the most wonderful woman in the world into marrying me and then i tricked some social workers into giving us the most fantastic baby on earth". lol.

We had an ice storm a few weeks ago 3/3/08 and a giant tree limb (or 2) fell on wife's car. it was totaled. My truck was 4 feet away and didn't have a scratch. we are currently borrowing my brother-in-laws vechicle til we find one (he has a company car). money is an issue as we have a 2 mortages, 2 gas, electric, water and sewer bills. a line of credit for the new house that we are already $12,000.00 over budget on because of a foundation issue. the house didn't have any footers. go figure...aparently you need these under your basement walls, and a baby we have not seen the end of adoption expenses on.
here is the wife's car... car vs. tree.....tree wins!

Well, thus ends my first post. hope i can keep this up and i hope i can keep family and friends updated and my memories and emotions on paper, screen.

