Saturday, January 3, 2009

Facebook is the funnest thing...EVER!

I found a bunch of people this week on facebook. All by accident. well, not really accident. I was looking for people i might know, but no one in specific. I found a few guys from my one year stint at Kent State, Korb Hall. Emailed a few memories from that time and thought about how much fun we all had. (we had a very tight floor, that did tons of stuff together)
I found a half dozen people just today, perusing the "erie, pa" network and one person that left a comment on the wall of a friend i already had. I recognized his name but not his face. He was a friend from 25 years ago. I try not to ask people I have never met "in person" to be my friend. (unless they are cute) I admit that i "steal" my wifes friends and check all my new friend's friends to see if they know anyone i might be able to add to my friend roster. In the words of Juju "I am addicted" to facebook. My old addiction was butter... I guess facebook is a bit more healthy than butter. If i could only get addicted to running, my new years resolution to lose weight would be A LOT easier...

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