Saturday, September 13, 2008

Giant Eagle - Week 1 of Serious Couponing 9/13/08

Pre-total = $193.27
Coupon/store specials = - $ 66.98
total = $126.29
% savings 35% savings

Not a bad first attempt. My big deals were:
4 Quaker oatmeal cans - On sale for $1.00 ea. and (4) $.50 each coupons doubled to $1.00. Free
2 Emerald Nuts- Regular price $6.38 ea. Store sale was a BOGO $3.17 each and I had (2) $1.50 coupons. $1.68 each.
8 Cat Treats - On sale 2 for $3.00 and I had (4) BOGO coupons. $1.50 each.
6 Birseye Steamer Veg. Bags - On sale $1.00 each and (2) $1.00 off 3. $.66 each.
4 ten packs of disposable razors - $5.78 GE BOGO - $2.98 ea. (4) $2.00 coupons - $.98 each.
I had to buy 6 packs of hotdog buns and 4 bags of chips for Juju's tailgate party. $8.64 that was food added to the grocery bill that we weren't going to eat, but the weather was so bad no one showed and we have a ton of hotdogs, buns and chips to eat. Crap. I guess someone has to do it...
Tomorrow is the New CVS ad.... I can't wait.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

hey - we just started FPU. had our first of 13 classes this morning at 9:15 am. It's awesome. i know you guys are already working on it, but if you want to join, let me know...i'm sure you can come.