Saturday, November 1, 2008

Paint, Paint, Paint

Today Uppa, the Moose and I painted the bedrooms of the new house. I didn't get as far as I had hoped. I have to remember that this is the first coat ever on these walls and it is time consuming and suck up a bunch of paint. Our bedroom too 2 gallons and I had to run to the pait store and get a second gallon for Cooter's room. I got there just before the store closed and my cousin's wife hooked me up with the family discount. Tomorrow back to the painting. A second coat in Cooter's room and the laundry room and 1 1/2 baths. at least the big rooms are done. We will move in during the week sometime. It is supposed to be sunny and warm for the whole week. Maybe I will finally catch a break.

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